Thursday, January 2, 2014

I'm a Lunatic, y'all.

Had a LOT of "togetherness" with my kiddos the last few weeks....and I've heard the words, "Mom, you're SOOOO weird!" About a dozen times.  Ya know what?  They're right.  I AM pretty weird.  

My "blog idol" Jen H. then re-posted an old entry of hers where she listed a few of her quirks and the post and readers'comments had me rolling. So I'm totally hi-jacking her idea,  :) When you make a laundry list of ways you are totally insane, it kinda becomes humorous.  One day, when I'm kiddos will totally be thankful for the reminders....I think!!  :))

So here are a few....don't judge me friends!  I know some of y'all are JUST as crazy!

* Bad grammar.  Drives me batty!  Goes hand in hand with spelling and correct use of words, such as "they're, there, their."   And "saw, seen."  And "you're, your".  And "ain't". JUST to name a few.
 Example:  "THEY'RE bringing THEIR car over THERE."  
"I SAW you yesterday.  It has been ages since I have SEEN you."  
"YOU'RE welcome to bring YOUR kids."   
Typos and spelling errors give me hives.  Finally, FB added the edit feature.  Use it people. :)

*I love reality TV. My favs are the Housewives.  And I wouldn't mind coming back in my next life as a Kardashian.  Yes, I'm aware that this fact alone makes me weird.

* It totally bugs me when someone makes a reference to God, and doesn't capitalize His name.  Guess it shouldn't, but it really does.  He is worth the extra shift button.

*I hate for anyone to eat or drink after me.  Even my own kids.  I don't share.  Get your own!  :)

*Double dippers gross me out. I will call you out on it.

*I don't think I've used the restroom or taken a bath alone in 17 years.  I either have a kid in the room or a weenie dog at my feet.  Or both!  :)

* I Don't like to be startled, or scared.  I hate horror movies. And If you jump out and try to scare me, I will go ninja on you and kick you where the sun don't shine.  "Tickling" is in this category.  It's torture and I will hate you.  

* I don't like profanity, but all bets are off while driving.  I cuss like a sailor due to road rage. Pray for me!  Hehe

* I like and demand a clean house. Can't relax with things out of place. Can't sleep in an unmade bed. I've even been known to make my bed, just before crawling in it.  

*I think about my own funeral.  Where would it be? Who would come? Who wouldn't? What would they say about me? I think about this a lot.

* I'm a dumb blonde about some things.  SNL, Seinfeld.  I tried liking these shows because it was cool.  But the majority of one-liners, I just don't get it.  

*Can't stand to hear someone breathe loudly.  Or snore.  My Sam is guilty of both. Bless his heart. 

*I hate drinking from a glass.  I prefer a cup. No reason, I just do.

*Hate when a spoon clanks against a metal bowl.  My ex sounded like he was ringing a bell when eating a bowl of cereal!!!  (Plastic bowls are best!)

*I take baths, not showers. I only shower when away from home, because bathing away from home would make me gross. 
*i don't mind "copping a squat."  Ya don't grow up in Jackson County, AR and not learn to pee on the side of the road.

*I'm a nazi about people washing their hands.  More than once, through the years, my office has been near a restroom.  If I have worked with you....I know if you wash your hands or not!!!  :)  You will always find hand sanitizer in my purse, in case I'm forced to cop a squat!  :)

*I have an itchy toe.  Just one.  And it drives me crazy.  

*I always drink from a straw.  Keeps ya from messing up your lipstick. :)

*I am addicted to Carmex. I own no less than 15 tubes at any given moment. 

* Do not touch my phone.  If you let your children play on yours, teach them not to touch mine!!!  

*I hate the smell of "cucumber melon."  I was pregnant with Sam when Bath and Body Works first came out with it, and now the smell if it reminds me of morning sickness.  To this day.

*I hate to talk on the phone.  I'm a texter. 

*Even though I'm an excellent hostess and use manners with company, when it's just us at home, I like to fix my plate first.  I even fix mine before I let the others know supper is ready.  Crappy mom I am. 

*I notice houses and how clean (or dirty) they are.  If I have popped in, I don't judge.  But if they know I'm coming....I kinda do judge.  Haha. Which is why I'm like a crazy person cleaning when I know company is coming.  And mortified when folks pop in. :)  My kids call it "real house vs. fake house."  

*I used to have an underwear obsession. Bras and panties HAD to match. Kind of a moot point now. Haha

*If I am responsible for you, don't walk up to me wearing a wrinkled anything.  I will cut you.  

*I cannot hear a siren without saying a prayer.

*I am NOT a morning person.  Yes I love you, but I am not gonna say it.  OR show it. Let me do my devo, check fb, brush my teeth, shower, get dressed and get a diet coke in me first.  I'll holla at ya around lunch time!  Haha

*Emojis.  I can tolerate a smiley, or a praying hands, or even the occasional thumbs up.....but the rest get on my nerves.  I know some abusers.  Are we 10??

*I drink soda with burgers, sandwiches, pizza, and Mexican food.  Iced Tea with other meals...meat, veggies etc.  It bugs the crap out of me to have to give my drink order to the waitress, because I haven't figured out what I wanna eat yet!  I HAVE been known to change mine after the fact!  Yes, I'm aware again that this is weird. 

*I hate smacking.  I sound like my mother with this statement. :)

*Me....and my kids....think that a burp or a fart is positively the funniest thing ever.  My daddy used to call me "Poot and Giggle".  Nothing tops it.  Nothing.  :)

*Oreos and orange juice.  Not milk.  OJ.  Don't knock it Til ya try it!  :)

*I suffer from restless leg syndrome. My legs think its time for kick-boxing at bedtime.  Ugggg!

*I have a rule with the kids....and always have.... that whoever rides shotgun has to hold Momma's hand.  Even before they were old enough to ride up front, I've driven for miles with my arm stretched to the back seat to hold a little hand from a car seat!  :)

*I usually have the heat kicked up with a window open.  :)

Hi.  My name is Terri.  And I'm a lunatic.  :). Please tell me I'm not alone.....

Happy New Year....many laughs, and blessings to you!

In Him,

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