Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Clean your ROOM! :)

I'm posing a question that EVERY momma asks from time to time.  How in the world can two beings born of the same genes, raised the same way, be so completely TOTALLY opposite??

I love being a momma.  Gosh, its the best.  And since the whining has ALREADY commenced and likely to continue for the next 10-plus years, I don't know how I'm going to let them grow up and leave me.  Can't even begin to imagine what I will do with myself.

That said....Being a momma can drive you crazy!

Meet Sam.  He is his Daddy's child.  Quiet, Calm, doesn't let much get to him....but WHEN it does?  Katie bar the door..... 

Sam makes good grades, is a loyal and dedicated member of every group he is a part of, loves sports, eats baseball, sleeps football and not only LOVES the Lord...but LIVES the Lord.  Between sports, church, school and his part-time job, he is on the go constantly.  Like his dad, he can go on little sleep and has more energy than I've ever thought a kid could. 

Sam has a heart the size of Texas.  And he puts his heart into EVERYTHING he does.  He is a softie.  Not afraid to cry to his mom when he needs a friend.  I love that.  He is honest.  Even when he knows that telling a little fib might be easier on him!  I've seen his heart broken over loss of a friend, a momma with cancer, losing a semi-final game on the baseball field, and even girls.  He posted a tweet recently, "The only two things that can break your heart are baseball and women!"  :)  Yep.  Women are the devil, son.  :)  I pity the young lady that wants to marry him someday.....I'm undoubtedly going to be one of "those" in-laws.  Sigh. 

Just can't help it.  I love my Sam.  What can you NOT love about a self-proclaimed "momma's boy"???   :)  He loves....and loves hard. 

Well...I'll tell ya. 
He is a SLOB!  I can't get him to clean his room.  Or pick up the bathroom after himself.  I refuse to ride in his truck.  And despite my threats, fits, and everything but bodily harm....that's just the way it is.  He won't clean his room.  The problem?  Is that I find it hard to get mad at him.  He is just so darn sweet, respectful, and an overall joy to be around.  When I ask him to mow the yard?  Sure mom.  Done.  When I ask him to run an errand for me?  Yep....Just send me a list.  When I ask him to load the dishwasher?  One time....done.  But to clean his room?  Not gonna happen. 

I've got friends that tell me that I should be grateful that at 17, "that's all" I have to complain about.  Are they right?  The kid wakes up in a new world every ten minutes.  Makes me nuts.

On to the lovely Sydney Clare.  Sydney?  is MY child.  My mom is giggling to herself in heaven that just as she predicted....I had one just like me in temperament.  A hot head.  "My way or the highway."  It's Sydney's world, and she just lets us live in it.  :)  If given only one word to describe her?  Loud.  And mornings with her are misery.  The kid could sleep all day and still be a bear when she wakes up.  I say all of this lovingly, of course.  Of course, like every teenage girl, her room gets out of sorts.  But after a day or 2, it drives HER crazy.  She is my organized one.  My rule-follower.  And you can bet, she is the one who lets me know of everyone in her life NOT following the rules.  Green.  Innocent.  I love it. 

She, too, is a Christ-follower and is like a sponge learning and serving the Lord.  She doesn't buy into typical girl-drama.....and keeps a safe distance from those who do.  Let me tell ya....girls are mean!!  :)  Sydney knows that by doing the right thing might mean she is standing alone....but is completely ok with that.  The downside....is don't be surprised if she isn't pointing out what YOU should or should not be doing.  But...I'll take it.  Much better than the reverse.  When I need one of them to remind me of something....or to handle something important for me....Sydney never lets me down.  Responsible.  Dependable.  My walking "day planner" for sure.

Sydney is precious.  Respectful to all of those around her....except momma.  :)  Her favorite ummmmm....word....is UGGGGHHHHHH!!!!  Usually accompanied by the slam of a door, or stomp of a foot.  Sometimes, I look at her and think...."Oh my goodness....Its me.  Its Terri."....

Don't get me wrong.  She loves her momma.  And shows it.  Everyday, I am told she loves me no less that 5 times a day.  When she leaves in the morning, when she gets to school, before she heads to sleep.....I know I'm loved.  But....when momma doesn't ALWAYS do exactly what Sydney wants, when Sydney wants it???  Drama....Fits.   The whole she-bang.  In all honesty, she is well-behaved.  Never an ounce of issues.  Grades are great, friends are precious, she always tells me the truth.  I don't worry about her going down a wrong path or making a bad choice.  But its EASY to get mad at her....she is JUST LIKE ME!  :)

These creatures are so special to me.  And I thank the Lord everyday for blessing me, even when most days I'm convinced I'm screwing it up.  :)  We mommas HAVE to stick together.  And help each other out.  We are raising our children in a world where doing the right thing isn't always the norm.  I want them to steer VERY clear of the mistakes I've been guilty of making myself.  I would never judge another, because we are all in this together, just trying to get it right. 

My friends are right....if a messy bedroom and a smarty pants mouth are the most of my problems with my children, then I should rejoice.  And I do. They are wonderful in spite of me and I am so blessed that God chose ME to mother them. 

I've only got a year left with Sam before he makes his journey to college and out into the world.  (Hope he knows its ok to come back home!  hehe) And just three short years with Syd.  I've GOT to get busy, time is running out!  They have faced so many things in their lives....death, divorce, financial struggles, illness, and disappointment at the hands of others.  These issues many of their peers have never encountered.  They have done it with grace.  And courage.  And respect.  And not once.....EVER.....can anyone refer to ours as a "broken home."  They are strong.....and they have never turned their eyes anywhere but to the Lord. 

I know in my heart....they will be ok.  They will be just fine.  I just hope I will be......

"When You called me to be a Mother, You didn't ask for perfection...But that with every breath, I would point them to You." Matthew 6:33

I love them to death....but if the darn kid doesn't clean his room, I'm gonna kill him!  :)

In Him,

PS...I get asked often about my health, and I'm still doing great and getting stronger everyday!  Digging in to my kiddos' activities by being a mom and burning the candle at both ends!  Starting week 6 of my diet and to date have lost 18 lbs!  Go me!  Dieting stinks.  I want a donut and cheese dip...and in that order!  :)  My next oncology appointment is not until August.  Emotionally, I still have those moments of worry but I've actually had a day or 2 lately where I don't think I even thought about cancer!  <3  God is good....All the time!  <3

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