Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Little Things

Last night, a friend said last minute that she was going to drop something off.  I freeeeeakkked. Kinda like a couple of weeks ago when I had about 12 women come to my house unexpectedly to work on a Prayer Group project.  I have real house....and fake house.  When company is a-comin', I like to pretend like I've got it all together.  Notice I said "pretend."

Both times,  I looked at the floor, I saw spots.  I looked at the table....cluttered with "stuff".  Our hidden "catch all" room....which with glass french doors....wasn't so "hidden."  I looked at the bare pantry and remembered I had no snacks.  Not even a Little Debbie Cake to offer.

The bathroom, well, you would think there are five boys living here, instead of just one.

Little chores. Little things. They add up and can make me feel overwhelmed and a little "put upon". I sigh. I grumble. I grind my teeth. I resent the little chores I need to do, and I joke about the "Cleaning Fairy" never showing up.  I walk in, some days after working two jobs and instantly get "ticked," because the people I share life with can somehow actually RELAX in the chaos.

This afternoon, I had a shift of perspective. I realized I was not being faithful in the small things in my life and yet, in doing the small things I am serving a much greater purpose.


That can be seen as a dirty word. How many times have I thought (or said), "I am not your servant." to one of my kids? I'm not their servant, really. But sometimes, I get wrapped up in myself enough to forget that it is in doing these tasks and chores that I am being faithful in the small things, and that even the smallest tasks done with a joyful, loving heart are pleasing to God and that big, fancy tasks done with a bitter spirit are unpleasing to Him too.

Small things aren't just household tasks. It could be the spirit in which we hold open a door or let someone merge into traffic in front of us. If we do it grudgingly instead of joyfully, I think we miss out on something. Let me make that clear. We. Miss. Out. On. Something.

In Luke 16:10, Jesus says, "Whoever can be trusted with very little, can also be trusted with much." This does not mean that we should do things to receive more stuff, more blessings. Instead perhaps we can look at it like this, when we are faithful in the small things we are open and responsible to handle the bigger things. I also find that when my heart is right about the small things in life, I can better respond to the bigger things in life, good and bad. The converse is true as well. When my heart is bitter about the small things, I cannot see the bigger, better picture. My bitterness over the little things can blur the beautiful and bountiful things all around me.

I don't think we should sweat the small stuff. I do believe we need to see the value in the small stuff. Babies are little and they are the future. Diamonds are little (mostly ;) ) and they're a girl's best friend. Punctuation marks are little and just think about how much they can change meaning of a sentence. With faith as small as a mustard seed, (Luke 17:6), you could order a tree to uproot itself and it would.

I am going to re-focus my efforts to be more faithful in the small things and to appreciate the small things more too. I'm also working to grow in my in myself. I think that's an area that can always be nurtured to grow.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  I've not heard if any of my family are getting together or not.   While I started out hurt by that, I remembered that I'm where I'm supposed to be tomorrow, and very few understand.  My Panther Family is getting together to pray, eat and fellowship together.  In love and support for our boys.  This is a big deal that will be made so successful by everyone doing just a "little" to make such a big difference.  Just an example of how it has been this whole year.  Whoever tried to get God out of our schools failed miserably in Benton, AR.  I will then spend the afternoon with wonderful friends.

God has me just where I need to be today.  And is guiding me to notice the little things.  For really...they ARE the big things.


In Him,

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