Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Ordinary Blessings...

I'm an avid Facebooker.  Y'all know this.  I admit that it is as much as part of my day as anything.  I love keeping up with friends, many of whom I'd never see or talk to....watching their kids grow and learn, being "in the know"....because if its on FB....it MUST be true, right?  :)  I love seeing pics, and knowing how to pray for others, and even what boutique has a new something I can't afford. I love the uplifting stories and praises that are shared daily.

Of course, the things I love about it are about equal to the things I hate about it.  Y'all know this, too.  The "negative nellies"....those who complain about EVERYTHING, everyday.  The narcissistic ones who shop for compliments, and post the endless stream of selfies.  The ones who use it as a weapon to coward out of confronting someone....they just post a status about it.  Drama, drama, drama...for the world to see.  I just don't get it.  Like anything...there are bad apples.  And like the rest of the world...its like a train wreck, I can't stop looking!  :)

I love sharing my life.  The good, bad and the ugly.  Like some, and unlike others...its an honest place that I TRY to use for its intent.  That said....everyone knows I don't have a perfect life....perfect kids....or perfect anything for that matter.

My class reunion is coming up and it was brought up that a former classmate of mine did not really want to come basically because...she was "fat, divorced, etc. etc.". (No...it wasn't me, although that pretty much describes me! haha)  In essence, she felt like she couldn't be impressive in any area of her life.  Gosh, we all feel like that!  Most people only put their best foot forward for the world to see.  I try to remember when I'm feeling my own "bad apples"...feeling inferior, or "less than" among those around me...I am most likely not comparing "apples to apples." ( In the words of my high school algebra teacher! :)

Lately, I've been enjoying my "Time hop" app...where it takes you back to any postings, statuses, photos, etc. posted on this day 1 year ago, 2 years ago, 3 years....and so on.  Oddly....for the last 5 years....my status had to do with me counting my blessings.  In fact, two of them were verbatum...."Counting my blessings...one by one...." 2 years apart.  While I like to think I count my blessings daily -- what is it about today that made me post about them....5 years in a row????

I don't believe in coincidence....so hence....I felt the need to write.

Today my blessings are plenty...

The obvious ones....my kids, my home, my jobs, my friends, my family....and my salvation through God.

But, in the spirit of this "blessingversary"....my blessings are these:

1)  I didn't totally KILL my son when the yard wasn't mowed today when I got home.  I remembered why....Because I made a deal with him on Sunday that he could wait, since his "sweetie" was home from college.  The grass will be there tomorrow.  Memories and time with those important to us are a must!

2)  My 2nd job!  My dear friend has given me opportunity to keep the books, payroll, etc for her gym.  two weeks in and I'm loving it!  Such a blessing to our family!

3)  This blog!  For the longest time, I didn't know if anyone read it.  It began as my journey through cancer.  And its continued through my life as just a mom.  I've pondered changing the name, but its important to realize that cancer changed me as a person, as a mom, as a Christian.  That scar is there to forever remind me.  I write about whatever is on my mind.  Very little filter. I've received sooooo many texts, emails, and comments on how many enjoy it and that is so humbling.  Life is a journey and we are all in this together.  It's important to share our journeys.....the real...and the UGLY.....before others can gain trust and intimacy and an understanding of who you are.

4)  I'm happy that my garage door opened when I pulled into the drive today.  This meant that they didn't shut my power off today, since I forgot to drop off my payment.  Note to self:  Take the darn check tomorrow, Terri.

5)  I'm thankful for the poop on my carpet.  Ok, not really.  But I LOVE my animals.  Try sharing a bed with 2 weenie dogs, a chihuahua, and a growing lab puppy.  I get a smidge of space and blanket.  And love every minute of it.

6)  I'm thankful for my girlfriends.  Each day is filled with silliness and shenanigans of a group text.  At any given moment I can look down and have about 50 unread messages.....ALWAYS worth reading to get caught up.  If I need prayer....laughter.....tears.....support of ANY kind....A few words and the "send" button, and its there.  Today....my blessing is also my daily group text.

7)  I'm thankful for "Bachelor in Paradise"....I love trash tv.  It's my thing, let it go.

8)  Tonight, I was blessed for Kim's potato soup and that my son loves fried baloney.  After working a 14 hour day, supper was easy at 9 pm.

9)  Someone cut me off on the highway today...and I didn't cuss.  That's a blessing.

10)  Sydney just kissed me goodnight.  <3

I could go on and on, but its late.  My "top 10" list for the day.   :)  For you see?  Ordinary blessings are sometimes the best ones.  You don't have to compare your life to others to find them.

God works His plan for us, when we don't even know it sometimes.  Its the smallest things that oftentimes turn into the biggest things.  I've learned to trust myself to just take a leap and trust HIM......because that is a blessing that is EXTRAORDINARY.

My cup simply overflows.....Tonight, I'm feeling grateful.

In Him,

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